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Coaches Corner


Steve Grossman, Head Coach, NY Raptors



Q. When did you start playing ice hockey?

A. I started by playing street hockey while I was growing up. Being from Mamaroneck we had access to the Hommocks Ice Rink. In the winter we had gym class on the ice on a few occasions. I joined the two together about twenty-five years ago.

Q. What made you decide to coach the NY Raptors?

A.  When we discovered the NY Raptors and signed Michael up, I thought it was the greatest program around and thought I’d like to be a part of this amazing program.

Q. What do you do when you are not coaching?

A. I'm the dad to three beautiful daughters and four grandsons as well as that amazing son of mine, Michael, who has been a Raptor for seventeen years now. I'm also the owner of a small finish contracting company.

Q. What are your favorite activities to do in your spare time?

A. In my spare time I play hockey on the NY Eagles, a Hockey North America hockey team. I love my motorcycle, working on my vegetable garden, or working on my vintage cars and motorcycles. 

Greg Di Roma, Coach, NY Raptors


Q. When did you start playing ice hockey?
A.  I started learning how to play at 14, started getting serious about being competitive at 18.


Q. What made you decide to coach the NY Raptors?
A. I once played for the Raptors and have always wanted to coach and give back in any way I can.


Q. What do you do when you are not coaching?
A. I play hockey, workout, make videos for a living, walk my dog, I'm active in my Catholic Young Adult Ministry


Q.  What are your favorite activities to do in your spare time?
A. I like to of course play hockey and work out. I like staying active in my faith. I like to be with family and friends, travel when I can, volunteer, go to movies

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